
Vines for all Structures

GardenPlants & Shrubs

Add texture, color, and romance to your landscaping with the installation of climbing vines. Grow them on trellises, arbors, pergolas, and fences. You can find vines that flourish across the spectrum of conditions, including full sun, deep shade, and salty air.

Your Fall Landscaping Task List

Landscape MaintenancePlants & Shrubs

Prepare now for fall landscaping tasks. Calendar the projects, purchase supplies, and get equipment ready. You will be final-fertilizing lawns, monitoring pest activity, and dialing in irrigation schedules. You may also choose to switch out annuals and add new shrubs and trees.

Plant a Pollinator Garden

GardenPlants & Shrubs

Pollinating insects are responsible for the production of vegetables, fruits, and nuts that we eat every day. Pollinator gardens provide food and shelter for these insects. Whether you choose a patio planter or a backyard bed, you can create a pollinator garden of your own.

Create Great Garden Borders

BeautificationGardenPlants & Shrubs

Propel your garden from appealing to stunning with the simple addition of a border. Edging can be as modest as a single brick row or as intricate as alternating plants lined by zig-zagging rustic metal—the options are as endless as the benefits.

Pruning for the Health of Your Trees

Landscape MaintenanceTree Care

Trimming is a necessary part of caring for the trees on your property. It requires some time and work but will ensure your trees stay healthier longer. Whether your goal is maintenance or encouraging vigorous growth, there’s no substitute for proper pruning.

Ready for Outside Summer Work?

Landscape PestsSafety

Gardeners must stay hydrated, dress wisely, and take breaks when working outside in the summer heat. It is also important to be aware of dangerous snakes, spiders, and ticks found in Florida yards. Be careful when moving through brush or reaching into dark spaces.

Topiary: Landscape Art!

BeautificationPlants & Shrubs

Creating topiary transforms untrained trees and shrubs into beautiful masterpieces. It’s not just for formal gardens, though. Incorporating topiary into your home landscape can elevate its refinement or be just plain fun. Follow these basic tips to make your own.