
Amaryllis: That Bold Winter Bloomer

GardenPlants & Shrubs

Amaryllis plants are once-a-year bloomers that produce spectacular trumpet-shaped flowers in reds, pinks, whites, and corals. Florida gardeners, plant your amaryllis in sunny beds outside or put them in pots in bright places inside. In healthy conditions, amaryllis will grow for decades.

Square-Foot Gardening: A Solution for Small Spaces


Square-foot gardening became popular in the 1980’s and still provides a great gardening solution for people with limited or no backyard space. Build a small raised bed and divide it into square-foot sections. Fill with soil and plant! Keep reading for more deets.

Gifts for Gardeners


It’s that gift-giving time of year! Got a green thumb to buy for? Check out our suggestions. We have several small tools to recommend as well as ideas for protective clothing and accessories. If those don’t work, consider giving digital or print subscriptions to landscaping magazines.

Vines for all Structures

GardenPlants & Shrubs

Add texture, color, and romance to your landscaping with the installation of climbing vines. Grow them on trellises, arbors, pergolas, and fences. You can find vines that flourish across the spectrum of conditions, including full sun, deep shade, and salty air.

Plant a Pollinator Garden

GardenPlants & Shrubs

Pollinating insects are responsible for the production of vegetables, fruits, and nuts that we eat every day. Pollinator gardens provide food and shelter for these insects. Whether you choose a patio planter or a backyard bed, you can create a pollinator garden of your own.

Create Great Garden Borders

BeautificationGardenPlants & Shrubs

Propel your garden from appealing to stunning with the simple addition of a border. Edging can be as modest as a single brick row or as intricate as alternating plants lined by zig-zagging rustic metal—the options are as endless as the benefits.

How to Grow a Cutting Garden


Cutting gardens are more than just beautiful features in a landscape. They yield flowers of intentional types and heights, cultivated specifically to cut and use in flower arrangements. Follow our suggestions for Florida-friendly flowers to plant in your cutting garden.

About Roses in Florida

GardenPlants & Shrubs

When it comes to growing roses in Florida, rose lovers have plenty of varieties to choose from. Low-maintenance shrub roses do very well as do classic varieties that require more care. Select roses grown on “Fortuniana” rootstocks for robust and long-living plants.

The Superfood Moringa Tree

GardenTree Care

The moringa tree—also called the ben oil tree, drumstick tree, and horseradish tree—is suited for Florida because it thrives in heat and does well in sandy soil. Its leaves and seed pods are a superfood source of vitamins, proteins, and antioxidants.