
Gifts for Landscapers and Gardeners


Stumped on what to get your landscaper or gardener for Christmas this year? From garden carts to wearable mosquito repellent, unique options abound. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite ideas, including tools, accessories, clothing, and stocking stuffers.

November Florida bulbs to plant

Bulbs to Plant in Florida in November

Plants & Shrubs

Cultivate bulbs in your garden to add unique textures and gorgeous pops of color to your landscaping. Select appropriate bulbs for Florida, choose and prepare the right planting site, and provide proper care. Spring and summer color, here we come!

Florida's Public Gardens Bok Tower Gardens

Explore Florida’s Public Gardens This Fall


Enjoy the pleasant fall weather and visit one of Florida’s beautiful public gardens. Spending time outside is stress-relieving and relaxing, and you’re sure to come away from a garden visit with ideas and inspiration for your own landscaping.