
Are Your Trees Hurricane-Resistant?


With the NOAA’s prediction of an above-normal 2024 hurricane season, it’s critical to prepare your trees and mitigate storm damage. Proper tree care bolsters root systems and reduces risks of trees falling. Assess your trees after a storm to identify weaknesses and prevent pests and diseases.

The Best Time to Plant Citrus Trees in Florida


Thinking about growing your own citrus in Florida? Planting season begins this month. Make sure to choose the right tree for your yard, prepare the space correctly, and carefully plant your tree. Citrus tree care includes proper watering, fertilizing, pruning, and pest and disease control.

How to Build a Living Wall for Your Florida Home


Creating a living wall, also known as a vertical garden, can add beauty and greenery to your Florida home. Learn how to choose the right location, select appropriate plants, install a sturdy frame, and maintain your lush vertical garden for a thriving green space.

Preparing Your Landscape for Hurricane Season


Experts predict an unusually active 2024 hurricane season. Here's how you can prepare your landscape to minimize damage. From strategic tree trimming to drainage planning, you can ensure your home stands strong.

Floralawn’s Disaster Relief Protocol


When a disaster strikes, it can leave behind property damage that may pose safety risks, financial burden, and emotional overwhelm. Floralawn has established a comprehensive disaster relief protocol to efficiently and thoroughly reduce safety hazards, address property needs, and bring your landscape back to life.

Floralawn’s Disaster Relief and Post-Storm Cleanup Services


Following weather events like hurricanes, Floralawn prioritizes cleanup and relief efforts over regularly scheduled maintenance tasks like mowing and trimming. We visit client properties as soon as possible after the storm to evaluate damage and implement a plan for recovery.

Be Prepared for Hurricane Season

SafetyTree Care

Some Floridians are so used to hurricane season that they hardly give it a second thought. It’s true that most hurricanes won’t rip through your hometown, but the key is to prepare for the one that might.

Wear Protective Clothing When Working Outside


Working outside in your yard? Don’t dismiss the importance of wearing protective clothing. Guard your head, feet, and body. Consider our suggestions for footwear, headgear, shirts, and pants that will keep you safe from the sun’s rays, biting insects, and flying debris.