cool-season annuals

Winter Landscaping To-Dos
While chores like mowing are not a priority during the winter, Florida homeowners can take on other landscaping tasks during the winter season. Clear and re-mulch garden beds, remove fallen leaves, plant annuals, check for mistletoe, sow ryegrass, and prepare for freezes.

Fall Landscaping Tasks for Florida Homeowners
Summer ends on September 22nd, and the time has come for homeowners to tackle their fall lawn and garden maintenance tasks. Plant cool-weather crops and flowers, adjust irrigation schedules, and prepare for fertilizer and herbicide application for a thriving autumn lawn.

Keep the Color in Your Winter Garden
When it comes to landscaping, winter does not have to be synonymous with gray and drab. In Florida, several types of trees display colorful foliage throughout the cool season. A property can also be brightened up with pots, beds, and banks of glorious winter annuals.

To-Do’s for Your Fall Lawn and Garden
September 22nd marked the start of fall, and it’s time for homeowners to add tasks to their lawn and garden to-do list. Install cool-weather bulbs, annuals, and perennials; manage irrigation; apply fertilizer and herbicide for healthy fall turfgrass.

Your Fall Landscaping Task List
Prepare now for fall landscaping tasks. Calendar the projects, purchase supplies, and get equipment ready. You will be final-fertilizing lawns, monitoring pest activity, and dialing in irrigation schedules. You may also choose to switch out annuals and add new shrubs and trees.

October Outdoor To-Do’s
October: that in-between month that feels like one foot is still in summer while the other foot steps into fall. Some citrus varieties have ripe fruit now. It’s a good month to add new turf, trees, and shrubs and to start planning for cool-season annuals.