Disease & Plant Health

Must-Do Spring Landscaping Jobs
Ready for spring? These must-do landscaping jobs will ensure your Florida garden is prepped for new growth and warmer temps. Dive in for a lush, vibrant spring season!

Are Your Plant’s Leaves Turning Yellow?
Rich green leaves indicate a thriving, healthy plant. Yellowing leaves may indicate chlorosis, a condition usually treated by adding micronutrients or decreasing the pH level of soil. Though rarely fatal, this condition requires treatment to prevent it from progressing.

Do You Have a Troubled Tree?
Protect the trees on your property by keeping an eye on them. If you see trunk cavities or fungal conks, or if sections of a tree are dying, reach out to a professional for help. An arborist will help you know what to do.

Gray Leaf Spot: A Florida Summer Turf Disease
Gray leaf spot is a turf disease that affects St. Augustinegrass primarily during Forida’s rainy, humid summers. Caused by a fungus, it presents in oblong tan spots. Gray leaf spot disease can be managed by watering early in the morning, limiting use of nitrogen fertilizers, and regularly applying fungicides.

Sod Webworms: A Florida Summer Pest
Tropical sod webworms are turf caterpillars found in the southeastern United States. They are active during warm, humid summers, feeding on grass and ultimately creating brown, dead patches. Landscape companies prevent sod webworms through responsible lawn care practices and eradicate webworms with chemical treatments.

Does Your Lawn Have Chinch Bugs?
These Florida summers bring many benefits to our lawns, like afternoon rains and more hours of sunlight. But they also bring a frustration that...

How to Control Crabgrass
Crabgrass is a homeowner’s worst enemy. This is because there is no sure-fire way to rid your landscape of this weed. This pesky weed...

Brown Patch Fungus
Brown Patch Fungus runs rampant in Central Florida, usually in the fall when temperatures tend to start dipping below 80°F. Irrigation heads are putting...

4 Common Garden Insects
Pest control is something every garden-conscious homeowner in Florida is going to have to face. In this article, we’ll take a brief look at a few of the most common offenders, the damage they cause, and how to identify them.