Plants & Shrubs

About Roses in Florida

GardenPlants & Shrubs

When it comes to growing roses in Florida, rose lovers have plenty of varieties to choose from. Low-maintenance shrub roses do very well as do classic varieties that require more care. Select roses grown on “Fortuniana” rootstocks for robust and long-living plants.

Ferns For Your Florida Landscape

Plants & Shrubs

Looking for tropical plants to add to your landscaping? Consider the fern—a plant that comes in all shapes, sizes, and textures. Ferns make excellent groundcovers, specimen plants, foliage fills, and container plants. Here we provide suggestions of ferns for each category.

Invasive Plants: Don’t Bring These Home

Plants & Shrubs

Invasive plants are non-native species that, when left to grow unchecked, spread over plant communities and alter the local ecology. Florida is home to myriad invasive plant species from palms to grasses to trees. Educated homeowners should avoid installing these plants in their landscaping.

Protect Your Plants from the Cold

Plants & Shrubs

Some areas of Florida experience freezing temperatures during the winter. This can kill or damage tropical or temperate plants. Bring potted plants inside or group them together outside against a wall. Cover cold-sensitive plants and shrubs with sheets or garden blankets.

How to Prevent Sooty Mold

Plants & Shrubs

Sooty black mold on shrubs and trees indicates the presence of sap-sucking pests such as aphids or scales. These pests excrete honeydew—a substance on which sooty mold grows. Prevent black mold by eradicating sap-sucking pests. There are a variety of natural controls you can implement.