Landscape Pests

Cool Weather Pest Management
In Florida, cooler weather doesn't mean a break from lawn pests. This guide delves into the management of common pests like chinch bugs and mole crickets, and offers practical tips on safeguarding your lawn during the cooler months, ensuring it remains healthy and vibrant.

Celebrate Earth Day with Florida Friendly Landscaping
Celebrate Earth Day with a commitment to practicing Florida-Friendly Landscaping. Apply these nine principles to your property to positively impact our state’s natural resources, residents, and wildlife. Plant selection and placement, watering and fertilization practices, pest management, and more are critical in protecting our precious environment.

Spring Pest Management
Warm spring temperatures bring out the birds, flowers, and…pests. Six common insects you may see on your Florida property this season are mosquitoes, ants, termites, bees, wasps, and chinch bugs. We take a look at these insects and what you can do to manage them.

Manage Those Cool-Weather Pests
While most pests are active through the summer, some turfgrass pests like the fall armyworm, chinch bug, sod webworm, and mole cricket might persist through the winter. Take preventative steps to reduce the risk of infestation and manage pests appropriately if a problem does arise.

Grasshoppers, Fire Ants, and You
Unwelcome pests like the eastern lubber grasshopper and the red imported fire ant can be harmful, destructive, or just plain irritating. Reducing or eliminating them takes intentionality, so read on to take the first step toward effective pest management on your property.

Dealing with Moles in Your Florida Yard
Moles have disturbed many a homeowner with their hills and tunnels. They're rarely seen, though evidence of their presence is unmistakable. But have you ever tried getting rid of the furry critters? It is easier said than done.

Florida Spring Pests, Part 2: Get a Handle on Them
Don’t be controlled by pest control. Employ general treatments to deal with a wide variety of spring pests or use specific methods for handling particular bugs. A little knowledge and a plan for how to protect your home might be all you need.

Florida Spring Pests, Part 1: Get to Know Them
Warming spring weather invites both humans and pests to leave home and explore the great outdoors. Included in this post are six of the most common pests that Florida homeowners can expect to find this season. Part 1 of 2.

Ready for Outside Summer Work?
Gardeners must stay hydrated, dress wisely, and take breaks when working outside in the summer heat. It is also important to be aware of dangerous snakes, spiders, and ticks found in Florida yards. Be careful when moving through brush or reaching into dark spaces.

Watch for Florida Spring Pests
Spring invites many Florida insects to resume their activity after a long and dormant winter. Are you ready? Know which pests to expect and the steps you can take to control them this season to better protect your family and property.