Bulbs to Plant in Florida in November
Cultivate bulbs in your garden to add unique textures and gorgeous pops of color to your landscaping. Select appropriate bulbs for Florida, choose and prepare the right planting site, and provide proper care. Spring and summer color, here we come!
Bulbs offer unique textures, interesting growing patterns, and gorgeous pops of color to a landscape. Although they are often associated with chilly temps in colder climates, November in Florida is the perfect time to dive into the world of growing bulbs. Seasoned and new gardeners, join us as we explore the top bulbs to plant in the Sunshine State this month.
What Are Bulbs?
When you imagine bulbs, you’re most likely envisioning the Northern ones: hyacinths, tulips, daisies, and crocus. Those don’t grow well in our hot and humid Southern climate, but Floridians can enjoy plenty of other bulbs, like rain lilies, crinum, and amaryllis. There are even pseudo-bulbs that fit into the conversation.
First, let’s define a bulb. A true bulb has a few roots, tightly packed leaves, and a small stem. It looks similar to an onion. Bulbs store water and nutrients during dormancy or periods of stress.
There are a few plants with similar growth patterns as bulbs that can be planted and cared for in the same way: tuberous roots (like dahlia), rhizomes (like calla lily or canna), tubers (like caladium), and corms (like gladiolus).
Plant These Bulbs Now
Unlike northern regions of the United States, Florida homeowners can plant bulbs year-round and enjoy extended flowering seasons.
Fall and Winter
In Central and North Florida
- Narcissus: plant from September to December; blooms in March and April
- Calla: plant from September to March; blooms from March to May
- Anemone: plant from October to December; blooms in March and April
Across the state
- Pineapple lily: plant in October and November; blooms in June and July
- Lapeirousia: plant from October to December; blooms in February and March
- Elephant ears: plant from March to November
All Year
In Central and North Florida
- Louisiana Iris: blooms from April to June
In Central and South Florida
- Society Garlic: blooms from March to November
- Shell Ginger: blooms from April to October
Across the state
- Daylily: blooms from April to June
- African Lily: blooms from May to July
- Spider Lily: blooms from April to August
- Aztec Lily: blooms from April to August
- Amaryllis: blooms from March to June
- Maraea: blooms from April to August
- Crinum: blooms from March to November
- Walking Iris: blooms from April to October
- Gladiolus: blooms in 3 months
- Kaffir Lily: blooms from March to May
Perfect the Planting Site
No matter the bulb you intend to plant, you must select the right planting spot and prepare the site appropriately. Check the light requirements for your bulbs when deciding where to plant different varieties. The site should be clear of noxious weeds like Florida betony, sedge, and Bermudagrass; failing to ensure the site is weed-free may mean excess work every year. A nonselective herbicide is sure to reach any shoots still below the surface. Once the weeds are clear, you may begin planting.
Care for your bulbs begins when you plant them. Water as needed to keep the soil moist, and apply landscape fabric or mulch to help prevent weeds. Fertilize according to the label instructions.