4 Common Garden Insects
Pest control is something every garden-conscious homeowner in Florida is going to have to face. In this article, we’ll take a brief look at a few of the most common offenders, the damage they cause, and how to identify them.
Pest control is something every garden-conscious homeowner in Florida is going to have to face. In this article, we’ll take a brief look at a few of the most common offenders, the damage they cause, and how to identify them.
Mole Crickets
About 1 to 2 inches long, these thick-bodied, beady-eyed insects have highly developed shovel-like forelimbs for swimming and burrowing. They are a serious threat because they feed on leaves, stems and plant roots, but the actual tunneling is considered more damaging to your plants than the feeding.
Long-Tailed Mealy Bug
These pests have been found on no less than 26 families of plants. Dracaena seems to be their favorite host, but most ornamental foliage and flowering plants are at risk. Mealy bugs feed off sap and, in large infestations, pest control is required because they promote the growth of a blackish mold that spoils fruit, compromises tree vigor, and fouls plants.
Aphids (Plant Lice)
Aphids are about 1/8 inch in length and have soft, pear-shaped bodies. Color varies according to the different species, but the most common aphids are black, yellow or green. A distinctive feature of these insects is the two short tubes extending from the ends of their bodies. They feed on the undersides of leaves, stems and flower buds. The damage caused by feeding is not as serious as their ability to transmit plant diseases.
Armored Scales
This is one of the most destructive species of insects. They are identifiable by their protective armored scales. Without pest control management, leaves drop prematurely – often killing portions of branches and twigs. Scales feed on plant stems and trunks.