Lawn Care

8 Ways to Prep Landscapes for Spring

Landscape MaintenanceLawn Care

Spring arrives this month. Are you ready? Prepare for the new landscaping season by servicing your lawn equipment, inspecting your irrigation system, weeding, laying new mulch, pruning ornamentals, and caring for turfgrass by dethatching and applying a pre-emergent herbicide.

4 Steps to a Level Lawn

Landscape MaintenanceLawn Care

When an established lawn is no longer level and smooth, it may be time for a little renovation. The task at hand is to apply layers of top-dressing mix and raise low areas of soil to the same height as surrounding areas.

December Lawn and Tree Tasks

Landscape MaintenanceLawn Care

December, with its cool temperatures and largely rain-free days, is a great time for Florida gardeners and homeowners to get landscaping projects done. Transplant a tree. Remove mistletoe. Plant winter grass. Don’t forget to water lawn turf and monitor for brown patch fungus!

October Outdoor To-Do’s

Landscape MaintenanceLawn Care

October: that in-between month that feels like one foot is still in summer while the other foot steps into fall. Some citrus varieties have ripe fruit now. It’s a good month to add new turf, trees, and shrubs and to start planning for cool-season annuals.

The Thing About Thatch

Lawn CareTurfgrass

Thatch is a layer of organic matter between the base of grass blades and the soil. Layers of thatch thicker than one inch prevent air, water, and nutrients from reaching roots in the soil. They can be removed with a power rake or vertical mower.

Brown Patch St. Augustine Grass

How to Fix a Patchy Lawn

Lawn Care

Filling in bare or dead patches of lawn can be easily accomplished by installing grass plugs or laying down new squares of sod. Soil should be level and free of weeds and dead grass before installation; afterward, thorough watering is important.

Disease: Coming to a Lawn Near You?

Landscape MaintenanceLawn Care

Florida lawn diseases include Rust, Fairy Ring, Gray Leaf Spot, Brown Patch Fungus, Dollar Spot, and Take-All Root Rot. Hot, humid, wet summers create hospitable growing conditions for these diseases, which must be managed by fungicides and cultural controls such as proper mowing.

Weed growing in thick grass

How to Control Typical Florida Weeds

Lawn Care

Florida lawn weeds can be controlled through proper mowing, hand removal, and selective herbicide applications. Preemergence herbicides must be applied before weed seeds germinate; postemergence herbicides are applied after weeds have emerged. Effective weed management usually requires both kinds of herbicide applications.

Lawn Care Equipment: The Essentials

Lawn Care

With summer around the corner, homeowners responsible for their own lawn care should make sure they have the mowers best suited for their yards. Two important additional tools—edgers and string trimmers—take care of hard-to-reach areas and create clean, finished lines.