Chinch Bugs

Florida Spring Pests, Part 2: Get a Handle on Them
Don’t be controlled by pest control. Employ general treatments to deal with a wide variety of spring pests or use specific methods for handling particular bugs. A little knowledge and a plan for how to protect your home might be all you need.

Florida Spring Pests, Part 1: Get to Know Them
Warming spring weather invites both humans and pests to leave home and explore the great outdoors. Included in this post are six of the most common pests that Florida homeowners can expect to find this season. Part 1 of 2.

Watch for Florida Spring Pests
Spring invites many Florida insects to resume their activity after a long and dormant winter. Are you ready? Know which pests to expect and the steps you can take to control them this season to better protect your family and property.

Does Your Lawn Have Chinch Bugs?
These Florida summers bring many benefits to our lawns, like afternoon rains and more hours of sunlight. But they also bring a frustration that...